What inspired this?


Whether you’re a freelancer, content creator, business owner, entrepreneur or an aspiring version of any of these things, marketing in 2024 is a MUST. 

In our digital age, there is no way around the fact that social media and our (or our businesses’) online presence is crucial in establishing a successful brand image, and a thriving brand overall.

Whether this brand is you, a product or service you offer, or anything in between… WHAT you create and WHY you create define the presence you have, the energy you share, and the clients, community and opportunities you attract.

In a world of thousands of templates, many routes to “success”, and probably one too many people telling you what you should be doing, marketing can feel overwhelming, a bit confusing and we can get lost in cookie cutter formulas that don’t honor our authenticity.

So, what to do?

The way I’ve found the most success in my business over 12+ years is by honoring and nourishing my OWN unique strategy through understanding, and utilizing, what I like to call Cosmic Marketing.

When you are born, a cosmic blueprint is created. Your astrological chart is formed, and who you are, why you do things, and overall YOUR unique life path is imprinted.

This is your gold. This is your juice. This is your mecca. 

It’s YOUR secret sauce that nobody could ever replicate, as it’s so unique and authentic to YOU.

Cosmic Marketing is a way of creating content, campaigns, e-mails and even SHOWING UP that utilizes YOUR unique astrological chart and HOW your Soul has shown up to do things.

Instead of following a formula that may have worked for somebody else, through Cosmic Marketing, you uncover your own.

Looking at your planetary placements, your MC and IC, and overall astrological chart composition, I will guide you through understanding your magic.

You will clearly see how YOU are meant to do things, where YOU will find the most success, and HOW you will find the most Soul radiance, and emotional fulfillment, in your work at the same time.

You will feel empowered. You will feel unstoppable. You will understand how to channel your unique energy into success through Cosmic Marketing

You will feel as though you’re finally doing things YOUR way, and you will understand what works for you and leads to miracles, and what doesn’t. Marketing will feel like organic self-expression, and the right people, places, and opportunities will align like never before. 

Your business will thank you. YOU will thank you.

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Cosmic Marketing || the course

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Who is this for?


This is for my content creators, my entrepreneurs, my business owners, my freelancers and for anybody who is desiring to become any of these things.

This is for you if you’re ready to finally do things YOUR way, utilizing astrology in your business to perfect your marketing strategy into something that feels authentic, genuine, and powerful at the same time.

This is for you if you have so many gifts to share, but are seeking clarity on WHAT to share, and HOW to share it.

This is for you if you desire your work to reach more people, resonating and becoming magnetic to the RIGHT clients, customers and community. 

This is for you if you’re ready to merge business and astrology to achieve a new level of sustainable success, while being fully YOU in the process.



Your Sun, Moon and Rising.

♡ Your brand / business image becomes magnetic

♡ Creating in a way that HONORS your unique emotional cycles and flow

♡ Taking how others see you to AMPLIFY your message / vision / goals




♡ Your Highest Path & Purpose

♡ What energy you should HIGHLIGHT to become more magnetic

♡ What you need to feel safe and thrive

♡ How to create STABILITY in your business



Jupiter, Saturn & the Houses

♡ Where does your abundance live?

♡ What lessons are waiting to unlock your Highest Potential?

♡ Obstacles and how to overcome them

♡ What’s YOUR unique brand story



Progressed Moons, Mercury & Venus

♡ Using your emotions as aligned fuel for creation

♡ How your Soul likes to SHARE

♡ Financial Influences and more

♡ What you’re drawn to and aligned community, customers, and clientele

Soulful Feedback...

"Since working with Polina: I quit my job. I packed up my whole life and moved from Maryland to California. I started multiple business ventures. I developed my intuition. I found my worth. I grew my self-confidence. I now respect myself and honor my energy. I take care of my body. I've lost weight without trying. I speak my truth without hesitation or fear. I'm no longer depressed or anxious. I have fallen in love with life's ups and down. I know my worth and am confident in my ability to accomplish anything I desire in life. I live with an abundant mindset. I am clear on my life's purpose."

-Sioban K.


"Before working 1:1 for months together, Polina was a mentor to me for years through her videos and offerings. The connection and inspiration that I felt from someone with so much multifaceted knowledge of consciousness, business, relationships, inner work - was incredible.

She has guided me through my business launch with incredible ways for lasting growth, scaling with intuition, and trust in self.

She has guided me through my awareness journey with describing high level consciousness topics in ways that are applicable and adaptable.

She has shown me how to navigate relationships and set me on a path where I know I will attract a divine match in the future.

She is a mentor that knows TRUE mentorship - she has guided me back to myself, my power.

She knows that ultimately our own guidance is the most sacred and she shows you how to tap back into that.

She will show you opportunities to grow in ways you could not have imagined.

She will put you at ease with the amount of clarity and genuine support each session brings.

Working with an undoubted leader in this field, has been a gift that will blossom and carry through to my entire life."


"My experience working with Polina resulted in total transformation in my life, inside and out. A few months ago, I felt overall content with my life, but had this intuitive urge to seek out support through a mentor and I decided to apply to work with her on a whim and she took me on as a client. I’ve followed her for years and felt initially worried she might not be the same person I had grown to know online, but I can now say with confidence that she is one of the most authentic people I have ever met, being transparent and living in her truth.

Polina has a method of mentoring that feels so supportive and encouraging, and I always felt motivated and in a high-vibration after each session with her. I’ve integrated so many lessons in such a short time span. At first, most of the work was internal for me, but I’ve actually made the biggest leap in my life toward the end of my time working with her. I moved abroad solely based on following my heart and intuition, something I never had the courage to do before. I know this decision was a direction reflection of all the work I’ve done with Polina.

If you feel a nudge to work with her, I encourage you to take the leap and invest in this for yourself. I know how scary it can feel since you don’t know how it will shift your life, but trust that if you’re called to it, you will surely benefit from it greatly. Polina is a beautiful soul full of so much kindness and light and it brought me so much joy to work with her."

-Hayley S.

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